Rust Sized Trait与类型大小

本文最后更新于 2020-08-24,文中内容可能已过时。

这篇文章来自于Github的一篇关于Rust size的一些介绍,本文内容基本上是这文章的总结。可以话尽量看原文。


sideness在Rust中是一个比较底层的概念,但是又比较重要,而且与许多Rust特性有关系。通常我们能在编译器的错误信息中看到x doesn't have size known at compile time,那么到底什么是sized type;什么是unsized type以及什么是zero-sized type。他们应该怎么使用,和一些优缺点。


Phrase Shorthand for
sizedness property of being sized or unsized
sized type type with a known size at compile time
1) unsized type or 2) DST dynamically-sized type, i.e. size not known at compile time
?sized type type that may or may not be sized
unsized coercion coercing a sized type into an unsized type
ZST zero-sized type, i.e. instances of the type are 0 bytes in size
width single unit of measurement of pointer width
1) thin pointer or 2) single-width pointer pointer that is 1 width
1) fat pointer or 2) double-width pointer pointer that is 2 widths
1) pointer or 2) reference some pointer of some width, width will be clarified by context
slice double-width pointer to a dynamically sized view into some array

到底什么叫sizedness呢,在Rust中,如果一个类型的大小能在编译器能确定下来,那就是一个sized type。确定一个类型的大小是非常重要的,因为这关系到在stack上申请多大内存,一个确定大小的类型能够pass by value and ref。如果一个type是 unsized type or DST(dynamic Sized Type)那么它就不能在stack上申请内存,这两种情况的变量只能pass by ref。

use std::mem::size_of;

fn main() {
    // primitives
    assert_eq!(4, size_of::<i32>());
    assert_eq!(8, size_of::<f64>());

    // tuples
    assert_eq!(8, size_of::<(i32, i32)>());

    // arrays
    assert_eq!(0, size_of::<[i32; 0]>());
    assert_eq!(12, size_of::<[i32; 3]>());

    struct Point {
        x: i32,
        y: i32,

    // structs
    assert_eq!(8, size_of::<Point>());

    // enums
    assert_eq!(8, size_of::<Option<i32>>());

    // get pointer width, will be
    // 4 bytes wide on 32-bit targets or
    // 8 bytes wide on 64-bit targets
    const WIDTH: usize = size_of::<&()>();

    // pointers to sized types are 1 width
    assert_eq!(WIDTH, size_of::<&i32>());
    assert_eq!(WIDTH, size_of::<&mut i32>());
    assert_eq!(WIDTH, size_of::<Box<i32>>());
    assert_eq!(WIDTH, size_of::<fn(i32) -> i32>());

    const DOUBLE_WIDTH: usize = 2 * WIDTH;

    // unsized struct
    struct Unsized {
        unsized_field: [i32],

    // pointers to unsized types are 2 widths
    assert_eq!(DOUBLE_WIDTH, size_of::<&str>()); // slice
    assert_eq!(DOUBLE_WIDTH, size_of::<&[i32]>()); // slice
    assert_eq!(DOUBLE_WIDTH, size_of::<&dyn ToString>()); // trait object
    assert_eq!(DOUBLE_WIDTH, size_of::<Box<dyn ToString>>()); // trait object
    assert_eq!(DOUBLE_WIDTH, size_of::<&Unsized>()); // user-defined unsized type

    // unsized types
    size_of::<str>(); // compile error
    size_of::<[i32]>(); // compile error
    size_of::<dyn ToString>(); // compile error
    size_of::<Unsized>(); // compile error

从上面的代码可以看出来,Rust中的原生类型都有确定的大小,像struct,enum,array,以及由原生与类型与指针或者其它nested struct enum等组成的类型都能在编译期确定大小。而像slice是不能确定大小的,因为我们并不知道这个slice到底会多大,这些只有运行时才会知道。

  • 一个指向动态大小视图的指针称为slice,比如&str就是string slice

  • slice两个width大小是因为存了一个指向数据的指针与元素的数量

  • trait两个width大小是因为存一个指向数据的指针与指向虚表的指针

  • unsized struct两个width大小是因为存了一个指针与这个struct 的大小

  • unsized struct只能一个unsized filed而且这个必须是struct中的最后一个字段


use std::mem::size_of;

const WIDTH: usize = size_of::<&()>();
const DOUBLE_WIDTH: usize = 2 * WIDTH;

fn main() {
    // data length stored in type
    // an [i32; 3] is an array of three i32s
    let nums: &[i32; 3] = &[1, 2, 3];

    // single-width pointer
    assert_eq!(WIDTH, size_of::<&[i32; 3]>());

    let mut sum = 0;

    // can iterate over nums safely
    // Rust knows it's exactly 3 elements
    for num in nums {
        sum += num;

    assert_eq!(6, sum);

    // unsized coercion from [i32; 3] to [i32]
    // data length now stored in pointer
    let nums: &[i32] = &[1, 2, 3];

    // double-width pointer required to also store data length
    assert_eq!(DOUBLE_WIDTH, size_of::<&[i32]>());

    let mut sum = 0;

    // can iterate over nums safely
    // Rust knows it's exactly 3 elements
    for num in nums {
        sum += num;

    assert_eq!(6, sum);

下面有些例子可以看struct 与 trait的区别:

use std::mem::size_of;

const WIDTH: usize = size_of::<&()>();
const DOUBLE_WIDTH: usize = 2 * WIDTH;

trait Trait {
    fn print(&self);

struct Struct;
struct Struct2;

impl Trait for Struct {
    fn print(&self) {

impl Trait for Struct2 {
    fn print(&self) {

fn print_struct(s: &Struct) {
    // always prints "struct"
    // this is known at compile-time
    // single-width pointer
    assert_eq!(WIDTH, size_of::<&Struct>());

fn print_struct2(s2: &Struct2) {
    // always prints "struct2"
    // this is known at compile-time
    // single-width pointer
    assert_eq!(WIDTH, size_of::<&Struct2>());

fn print_trait(t: &dyn Trait) {
    // print "struct" or "struct2" ?
    // this is unknown at compile-time
    // Rust has to check the pointer at run-time
    // to figure out whether to use Struct's
    // or Struct2's implementation of "print"
    // so the pointer has to be double-width
    assert_eq!(DOUBLE_WIDTH, size_of::<&dyn Trait>());

fn main() {
    // single-width pointer to data
    let s = &Struct; 
    print_struct(s); // prints "struct"
    // single-width pointer to data
    let s2 = &Struct2;
    print_struct2(s2); // prints "struct2"
    // unsized coercion from Struct to dyn Trait
    // double-width pointer to point to data AND Struct's vtable
    let t: &dyn Trait = &Struct;
    print_trait(t); // prints "struct"
    // unsized coercion from Struct2 to dyn Trait
    // double-width pointer to point to data AND Struct2's vtable
    let t: &dyn Trait = &Struct2;
    print_trait(t); // prints "struct2"

Sized trait是Rust一个marker trait和auto trait。auto trait是说如果一个类型满足了条件则会被自动实现。而markter trait说用来标记一个类型是某个特定的属性的。marker trait没有任何的trait item,比如函数,变量等。所有的auto trait都是marker trait,但是不是所有的marker trait都是auto trait。auto trait必须得是marker trait,这样编译器才能提供一个默认的实现 。 一个类型如果它的所有的成员都是sized的,那么它就是Sized。同样的trait还有SendSync。如果一个类型能安全地在线程间传递,那么它就是Send的,如果一个类型能在线程间安全的shared ref,那就是Sync的。但是Sized有点不同的是,不能对一个类型把它去掉


// this type is Sized, Send, and Sync
struct Struct;

// opt-out of Send trait
impl !Send for Struct {}

// opt-out of Sync trait
impl !Sync for Struct {}

impl !Sized for Struct {} // compile error
// this generic function...
fn func<T>(t: T) {}

// ...desugars to...
fn func<T: Sized>(t: T) {}

// ...which we can opt-out of by explicitly setting ?Sized...
fn func<T: ?Sized>(t: T) {} // compile error

// ...which doesn't compile since t doesn't have
// a known size so we must put it behind a pointer...
fn func<T: ?Sized>(t: &T) {} // compiles
fn func<T: ?Sized>(t: Box<T>) {} // compiles


  • ?Sized意思是这个类型可能是Sized或者是也许Sized的。这能让类型可以是Sized也可以的Unsized。
  • ?Sized一般用来减少参数的约束,且是Rust中唯一能减少约束的措施。

一般来说,我们还是需要放松对泛型参数的约束,因为实例化的时候, 实际类型可能是Sized也有可能是Unsized。 有如下代码:

use std::fmt::Debug;

fn debug<T: Debug>(t: T) { // T: Debug + Sized
    println!("{:?}", t);

fn main() {
    debug("my str"); // T = &str, &str: Debug + Sized ✔️


use std::fmt::Debug;

fn dbg<T: Debug>(t: &T) { // T: Debug + Sized
    println!("{:?}", t);

fn main() {
    dbg("my str"); // &T = &str, T = str, str: Debug + !Sized ❌


error[E0277]: the size for values of type `str` cannot be known at compilation time
 --> src/
3 | fn dbg<T: Debug>(t: &T) {
  |        - required by this bound in `dbg`
8 |     dbg("my str");
  |         ^^^^^^^^ doesn't have a size known at compile-time
  = help: the trait `std::marker::Sized` is not implemented for `str`
  = note: to learn more, visit <>
help: consider relaxing the implicit `Sized` restriction
3 | fn dbg<T: Debug + ?Sized>(t: &T) {


Type T &T
&str T = &str T = str
Type Sized
&str ✔️
&&str ✔️


最常见的切片是str与数组的切片&[T]。切片的一个优点是许多的类型都能转换成它们。强制类型转换在Rust中很常见,特别是在函数参数中。一种类型转换是deref和unsized。一个deref转换是当T通过一个deref操作转换成U,比如T:Deref<Target=U>比如STring.deref() -> str。一个unsized转换是把T转换成U,其中T是sized type 而U是unsized type。比如T:Unsized<U>,[i32;3] ->[i32]。

trait Trait {
    fn method(&self) {}

impl Trait for str {
    // can now call "method" on
    // 1) str or
    // 2) String since String: Deref<Target = str>
impl<T> Trait for [T] {
    // can now call "method" on
    // 1) any &[T]
    // 2) any U where U: Deref<Target = [T]>, e.g. Vec<T>
    // 3) [T; N] for any N, since [T; N]: Unsize<[T]>

fn str_fun(s: &str) {}
fn slice_fun<T>(s: &[T]) {}

fn main() {
    let str_slice: &str = "str slice";
    let string: String = "string".to_owned();

    // function args
    str_fun(&string); // deref coercion

    // method calls
    string.method(); // deref coercion

    let slice: &[i32] = &[1];
    let three_array: [i32; 3] = [1, 2, 3];
    let five_array: [i32; 5] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
    let vec: Vec<i32> = vec![1];

    // function args
    slice_fun(&vec); // deref coercion
    slice_fun(&three_array); // unsized coercion
    slice_fun(&five_array); // unsized coercion

    // method calls
    vec.method(); // deref coercion
    three_array.method(); // unsized coercion
    five_array.method(); // unsized coercion

对于一个Trait来说,是?Sized的。因为不知道是Sized type 还是unsized type会去实现它。

Trait : ?Sized对于impl Trait for dyn Trait是必要的。


  • 不能把一个Unsized的类型转换成Trait Object
fn generic<T: ToString>(t: T) {}
fn trait_object(t: &dyn ToString) {}

fn main() {
    generic(String::from("String")); // compiles
    generic("str"); // compiles
    trait_object(&String::from("String")); // compiles, unsized coercion
    trait_object("str"); // compile error, unsized coercion impossible
  • 不能创造出多Trait的object的动态分发:因为要存两个trait的vtable要更多的内存,而正确的组合方式如下:

    trait Trait {
        fn method(&self) {}
    trait Trait2 {
        fn method2(&self) {}
    trait Trait3: Trait + Trait2 {}
    // auto blanket impl Trait3 for any type that also impls Trait & Trait2
    impl<T: Trait + Trait2> Trait3 for T {}
    // from `dyn Trait + Trait2` to `dyn Trait3` 
    fn function(t: &dyn Trait3) {
        t.method(); // compiles
        t.method2(); // compiles
  • Rust的trait不支持向上转换:

    trait Trait {
        fn method(&self) {}
    trait Trait2 {
        fn method2(&self) {}
    trait Trait3: Trait + Trait2 {}
    impl<T: Trait + Trait2> Trait3 for T {}
    struct Struct;
    impl Trait for Struct {}
    impl Trait2 for Struct {}
    fn takes_trait(t: &dyn Trait) {}
    fn takes_trait2(t: &dyn Trait2) {}
    fn main() {
        let t: &dyn Trait3 = &Struct;
        takes_trait(t); // compile error
        takes_trait2(t); // compile error


    trait Trait {}
    trait Trait2 {}
    trait Trait3: Trait + Trait2 {
        fn as_trait(&self) -> &dyn Trait;
        fn as_trait2(&self) -> &dyn Trait2;
    impl<T: Trait + Trait2> Trait3 for T {
        fn as_trait(&self) -> &dyn Trait {
        fn as_trait2(&self) -> &dyn Trait2 {
    struct Struct;
    impl Trait for Struct {}
    impl Trait2 for Struct {}
    fn takes_trait(t: &dyn Trait) {}
    fn takes_trait2(t: &dyn Trait2) {}
    fn main() {
        let t: &dyn Trait3 = &Struct;
        takes_trait(t.as_trait()); // compiles
        takes_trait2(t.as_trait2()); // compiles
struct Unsized {
    unsized_field: [i32],

定义一个unsized type的方法是,给struct一个unsize filed。这个unsized filed只能一个,且是最后一个。

如果要定义一个不知道是不是Unsized type的struct,最好是用泛型去定义这个struct。

我们常用的std::ffi:OsStr与std::path::Path就是标准库中的unsized struct。

Unit Type: () and {};每一个函数如果没有显示的return的话都会返回一个()


use std::cmp::Ordering;

impl Default for () {
    fn default() {}

impl PartialEq for () {
    fn eq(&self, _other: &()) -> bool {
    fn ne(&self, _other: &()) -> bool {

impl Ord for () {
    fn cmp(&self, _other: &()) -> Ordering {

编译器知道()是zero-sized type。比如:

fn main() {
    // zero capacity is all the capacity we need to "store" infinitely many ()
    let mut vec: Vec<()> = Vec::with_capacity(0);
    // causes no heap allocations or vec capacity changes
    vec.push(()); // len++
    vec.push(()); // len++
    vec.push(()); // len++
    vec.pop(); // len--
    assert_eq!(2, vec.len());


用户定义的Unit Struct:

struct Struct;

实际上Unit Struct比()有用的多,因为孤儿规则的存在,我们不能给()实现trait,因为它是标准库里的。这样我们可以实现一个等同的,更有意义的名字的Unit struct来给代码带来可读性。

Never type是第二个重要的ZST,它的代表了一个计算永远不会有结果的意思 。一些有趣的事情是:

  • !能转换成其它任何类型
  • 没法创建出一个的实例。



fn function() -> Result<Success, !>;

fn function() -> Result<!, Error>;是永远不会成功的函数。因为在返回的时候 ,创造不出它的实例来。

我们可以用用户自定义的never type来实现永远不会失败的函数:

enum Void {}

// example 1
impl FromStr for String {
    type Err = Void;
    fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<String, Self::Err> {

// example 2
fn run_server() -> Result<Void, ConnectionError> {
    loop {
        let (request, response) = get_request()?;
        let result = request.process();